Suspend all judgement
22 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
McGonagall was a great poet. Of this there is no doubt. His verse has been in print since the day of his death in 1902. It is memorable, quotable, and infinitely more pleasurable and entertaining to read than anything by Ezra Pound or William Carlos Williams, whose ridiculous works are forced on students by pernicious academics.

This film fails to do McGonagall justice, but anything to do with McGonagall merits the highest possible marks. Although Milligan and the rest seem to be trying hard, it strikes me that they have just thrown this performance together at short notice, without giving their subject sufficient attention. Sellers is OK, but the rest really aren't. So what ? This isn't a recommendation, and I wouldn't watch it twice, except after a very long interval, but I feel obliged to advise you to watch it, if you haven't already. There's a highly rewarding snippet featuring a surprising dancing lady.

Oh yes, McGonagall will be remembered for many a long day, and his style defeats those who attempt to compose poems in his unique and particular way. One thing on which I want to dwell, it is a shame he died too soon before he could be given a Nobel.
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