Puzzle (1974)
Amnesia-themed giallo from scriptwriter Ernesto Gastaldi
21 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
An obscure and rather subtle Italian giallo which forsakes a string of bloody murders in favour of building up a gentle atmosphere of suspense. This isn't one of the finest films of the genre but neither is it one of the worst, instead a matter-of-fact movie that sits amiably in the middle and is worth at least one watch for genre fans. The slow pacing of the first half is a little off-putting at first but the movie soon picks up to offer plenty of menace and some fine action at the finale. The central theme of the film is that old chestnut of the participant having lost his memory and having to gradually piece together the events leading up to his current situation but the interest is retained through some interesting, fleshed-out characters who make the whole thing worthwhile.

The small cast also deliver accomplished performances adding to the viewer's enjoyment. First up is Tommy Lee Jones lookalike Luc Merenda playing the amnesic victim. Although the character is a romantic led, Merenda still keeps something sinister and hidden about him, a man with a dark past who may not be entirely trustworthy. This ambiguity surrounding his character makes for an interesting part and Merenda pulls it off performance-wise. Rather more straightforward is Senta Berger's turn as the heroine, a damsel in distress who is repeatedly menaced by human scum George (a wicked part played superbly by Bruno Corazzari) who in one memorable scene throws lighted matches at her. Finally we have Umberto Orsini as a doctor and family friend who may or may not be hiding some dark secrets of his own; Orsini is also very good in the part. The only other notable cast member is a young boy who is actually rather endearing.

Don't come here looking for a blood and guts movie because in terms of bloodshed it's fairly restrained. In fact the only gore for the most part is the brutal murder of a lovably cute dog and a guy having his throat slit slowly (ouch) in a flashback. However the finale - in which a chainsaw figures predominantly - certainly rewards the viewer's patience, a powerful battle between good and evil which ends with a fine unpleasant death for the villain and an excellent highlight to top off the film. PUZZLE is a movie with a fine build-up of mystery and suspense, highlighted by a realistic script from Ernesto Gastaldi and some acceptable camera-work to keep things fluid and interesting.
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