14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect and I decided to watch it mainly because the plot seemed to be very cheesy and romantic but this was not what I got. I ended up really enjoying the movie but not for the reasons I expected to (see; cheesy plot with a lot of fluff). I was blown away by how much emotions were conveyed by all of the actors (the cast is almost entirely made up of women and all of these actress delivered in my opinion an incredible performance). The dialogues were well written and not at all predictable but what really hit me was how the two actress managed to say so much without opening their mouth. Even in moments were the dialogues were the main focus of the scene the body language never ceased to amaze me. I think that those scenes were the verbal confrontation became really powerful were amazingly written, developed and performed. I loved the scene /SPOILER ALERT/were they were all screaming at each other because I would have never thought that it would have gone that way /END OF SPOILER/. In a way I feel like I can say that a lot of the scenes in the movie had me holding my breath and cry because of how truthfully they were. I need more movies where you can feel like you know exactly what one character is going through even if you've never been there and more movies that leave the path of predictability without necessarily being too extravagant or coming off as unreal. Everything about this movie was real and could be felt.
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