How Groooovyyy
11 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't remember when it happened, but long ago, I think my mom bought me some Scooby-Doo movies. One was a DVD pack of 3 movies that included; Abracadabra-Doo, Goblin King, and Alien Invaders. The other was Camp Scare. The following movies will not be reviewed. Camp Scare will remain ingrained in my brain for the rest of my natural born life, Goblin King will always be known as one of my least favorite Scooby-Doo movies, and Abracadabra-Doo will always be a fun little romp through a Harry Potter cash-in. This one really hits me hard. I've always been a fan of aliens, cryptids, and the supernatural, so Alien Invaders is basically a staple movie of my childhood. Here's the plot of the movie. The Gang drive along the desert to god knows where for god knows why. They have themselves an extraterrestrial encounter, when an alien ship hovers above the Mystery Machine. They stop in the middle of the dessert to get help in the nearest town, but Shaggy and Scooby decide to stay behind. There they spot a jackalope that barely has an effect on the plot and the aliens, who are actually rastafaliens. They get chased by the big green men, and they're almost caught, until they reach the diner. There they meet Dolly, Lester, and Surge. Shaggy and Scooby pig out on donuts, while Fred, Velma, and Daphne listen in on the story of how Lester got proved by the aliens. Lester offers to show the gang pictures of the ship and they agree to follow him. They find out that the only pictures he has are paintings, as Lester is a landscape artiste. They're's no hotels in the town, so Lester lets them stay at his place. He lets Shaggy and Scooby sleep on the roof, for some reason, and the two get kidnapped by the aliens. They're's a scene in the ship, and then they wake up to meet a girl and her dog, Crystal and Amber. If there's anything the movie lacks is in it's plot and mystery, there's nothing really going on. It's like a stretched out episode of What's New, before What's New was even a thing. The mystery is also not interesting, as you only care about two things, aliens and hippie women. Many people consider this the worst of the four Mook Animation Scooby movies, but I like it. I see what they mean, but this is the one I most remember and like. The other's never rang with me like this one did. There animation is also really good, although it's lighter in tone compared to Zombie Island and Witch's Ghost. Let me just comment on the music here, it's good. How Groovy will always be a tune that is stuck in my head, and for personal reasons. I'm a fan of 90s pop, and also a fan of juvenile lovey-dovey stuff. Every time Shaggy says Shaggy Jr., I go like, why couldn't this have actually been a thing. Jennifer Love Hewitt's rendition of the Scooby-Doo is kind on the ears, it could be worse, like in Cyber Chase. That song during the cave chase scene is also good, it really doesn't stand out as much as the other two songs. I didn't even remember that it was in the movie. There are also some pretty enjoyable characters. Lester, Dolly, Amber, Shaggy, and Scooby. All of them, not counting Scooby and Shaggy, are people who definitely need more screen time like the Hex Girls from last movie. Fred, Daphne, and the SALF employees are okay, and there are parts of the movie where Velma says some cringe-worthy stuff that I'd rather not mention here. There's also a mechanic who barely does anything. He fixes the gang's van and he collects pressed flowers. I love Crystal. She should be apart of the gang, she didn't deserve to be treated like a secondary character in a franchise that doesn't appreciate those kind of people. While she is pretty basic and weird, you'll know why if you watch the ending, she's got this weird little charm on her. She's a very likable character and her relationship with Shaggy is one of the greatest things to ever happen to the Scooby-Doo franchise, even if it was for a short amount of time. It may be sappy, but it gets me, when I see her leave at the end of the movie, as well as leaving the franchise forever. This may not be a good movie in terms of plot, but what it lacks it makes up for it with charm and likability. I give it a 6/10. Any of the Scooby-Doo writers reading this, bring back Crystal and Amber. --JoshTheCelluloader.
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