Review of 37

37 (I) (2016)
A total disrespect to the death of Kitty Genovese
8 October 2016
I generally don't take the time to write reviews however having just watched the documentary The Witness and the agonizing investigation her brother did to bring peace to himself regarding his sister's tragic death, this movie was completely weird and did not make one iota of sense! How the children depicted in this film would be up at 2:00 AM having dysfunctional issues with their parents is beyond me. This movie is like a psychedelic bad acid trip. The murder itself is belittled and was so irrelevant to a bunch of meaningless circumstances that supposedly had all 37 characters preoccupied at the same time and in the same neighborhoods. It is just a pathetic epic fail to sell to the audience. I felt like an idiot to have kept my nose stuck to the screen for the agonizing amount of time it took for this movie to finally end.
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