Hooten & the Lady (2016–2017)
Makes for a nice climate change
8 October 2016
With content providers waging war and going to extremes to shock and awe audiences, it is nice to have a more innocent approach taking us back to the 80's and 90's cleaner and family friendly shows. well done to the production for having the balls to go back to a happier time rather than Goering the hell out of it, the lead actors do a great job of building interest and adding layers of complexity to the characters, taking the time to slowly reveal different layers, while not being tempted to go all hardcore from the get go. Well done to all involved, creating an escape is no easy task and in this instance it just works. it is also nice to have a sort of history lesson and travel magazine rolled into the show as part of the story line, i think this will help younger viewers develop an interest in the world that is lacking in young audiences this day and age, where cultural heroes are people that are famous for being famous, but have no actual skills and are empty shells with no substance. this show helps to bring back the excitement of the real world, creating a passion to travel and experience life first hand for yourself and not live vicariously through others. so get up off your couch or beanbag, take your backpack, lead by example and show the world what you can do for yourself. This is the message this show conveys.
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