A painfully self-aware sequel drowning in its own self-applause
3 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Folks, this movie is Exhibits A through Q of why you cannot make a sequel to a cult classic of decades past.

The great thing about the original Samurai Cop is that it was hilariously unaware of how bad it was--which made it so enjoyable from a "so bad it's good" kind of viewpoint. Amir Shervan was trying to make a good movie, but failed on a spectacular level. In this movie, the director and writers went out of their way to cram EVERY possible reference to the first movie that they could into its bloated run time. It is as if they were sitting there going, "See? See? We're cool! We know you like stupid movies, so here's a stupid movie! We also got Tommy Wiseau from that other horrible movie you enjoyed!" This sequel is SO self-aware, I think it destroyed the entire philosophy of existentialism.

This movie purports to be a sequel that takes place 25 years after the events of the last movie. However, there are numerous continuity gaffes all over the place that all combine to make a disjointed, meandering ball of confusion that tries WAY too hard. Fuj Fujiyama is somehow alive with no explanation as to how he survived. Jennifer fakes her death for literally no plausible reason, goes into hiding under a different identity, and suddenly now has a brother (Tommy Wiseau's character) that is a high-ranking member of a gang. Also, the American kid who "kills" her in the beginning of the movie is revealed to be her brother. So, a curly- haired, American teenager grew up to be a mentally-challenged, stringy-haired Eastern European man???

There are so many gangs and gang figureheads that appear out of nowhere, get like four lines of dialogue, and have no relevance to the plot, that it is nigh-unto impossible to keep up with any of it.

Also, at least FOUR separate times, a character (mostly Frank) absolutely takes a sledgehammer to the fourth wall by staring directly at the camera and acknowledging us, the audience. Again, this movie is painfully self-aware and it isn't good.

This movie is an absolute mess, and not an entertaining mess. It was a chore to sit through. Fans of the original, please do not watch this. You will be severely disappointed, which is saying a lot considering I expected it to be bad anyway.
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