Very predictable and disappointing film
2 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was a little shocked to discover that this film was based on a book by John le Carré as I have enjoyed every other adaptation I have seen since Smiley's People back in 1982.

It would clearly be inappropriate to discuss each event as it would be a long string of spoilers but in my opinion, it would spoil nothing because everything was so expected. I felt like I was five minutes ahead of the scriptwriter the whole way through - however, I have marked this as containing spoilers because I think that even mentioning the scenario would be enough to inform a movie lover what happens next.

The most obvious moment came when Dima (Skarsgård), having at the outset made it clear that all he cared about was his family's safety, boards a helicopter in the Alps to fly off to hand over the goodies. Perry (McGregor) watches the helicopter take off and head to the horizon. Given the length of this shot of, only one thing can happen and I bet that anybody reading this who hasn't seen the film can guess.

As an occasional amateur filmmaker, I would be embarrassed by this scene alone but the I spent whole film waiting for it to catch up with what I was expecting.

I felt that the casting ranged from typecast to poor and the whole thing was so contained within a safety zone of mediocrity that it was utterly boring. When it wasn't predictable, it was clichéed.

I want to say something positive as the film wasn't all bad but I can't narrow anything down to a specific. The tattoos were convincing but even gang tattoos are a bit old hat these days.
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