Lives up to all of the negative publicity all too well.
1 October 2016
Watched this last night. I put it on, thinking that perhaps it'd be OK. Fine. Not the best of approaches but hey, it worked for Lesbian Vampire Killers and I actually enjoyed two or three lines in that! Bad movies do sometimes have their charms and, despite lukewarm reviews, I was willing to give it a go. It riffs off the original in any number of ways, which, in itself, is not a bad thing. But it doesn't do so with any particular style and, quite frankly, goes downhill rapidly after a start that could've come from Scooby Doo 2. Cameos come and go, a pleasant nod to Egon/Ramis with a bust in one shot. Murray telephones in his role and Ackroyd has definitely seen better material. McCarthy is McCarthy - no change there. Still plain speaking and 'sassy' with more than a hint of 'bloody annoying loudmouth' about her. The supposedly kooky technician, Kate McKinnon, is just dumb and phenomenally irritating. She doesn't seem to know where to take the performance at all. Veering from odd genius to goofball but with no charm in any respect. Kristen Wiig plays Kristen Wiig in exactly the same performance as she has in so many movies before and if Leslie Jones thinks her Twitter feed comments were racist, (which they undoubtedly were - along with her own observations on white people BTW) she obviously never considered her performance too deeply as a stereotype of a 'black mama' that even Martin Lawrence would balk at delivering. For a movie which complained about misogyny and general sexism in response to the backlash to the all female leads, it's kind of ironic that all men in this movie are weird, stupid and have nothing to offer, aside from Hemsworth who's just eye-candy. The final battle scene is a mess of pointless gadgetry and poor effects which just looks like Feig figured that more was, well, more. If I could sue them for the waste of my life that this film was, I would. But I'm off to watch some other piece of trash and hope it'll be an improvement. It'd have to sink to lows of Showgirls levels to even come close to being as poor as this. As for the after credits scene - PLEASE GOD NO!
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