Problem Girls (1953)
I think this school might just have some difficulties getting accreditation...
21 September 2016
As the tagline for the film say, "Nothing can tame them, scandal can't shame them!". This and the scandalous posted currently linked to this IMDb page pretty much say it all for this movie...or is there more? Could this film, marketed as an exploitation flick, actually be any good?!

Dr. John Page has just been hired out of graduate school...and on the surface his job would seem like a great one. After all, he's been hired to work at an exclusive girls school. However, this is not your typical, ordinary girls school. Despite their coming from rich families, many of the residents seem more like head cases-- schizophrenics, nymphomaniacs, pyros and the like--all young ladies their rich families would rather just forget! But it is much of the girls is part of a very strange and elaborate plot. But any time the doctor tries to do his job and behave like a professional, the headmistress seems to get in the way--like there's something she's hiding. But what?!

This is in some ways an exploitation film--with the ladies undergoing torture and mistreatment by employees of the 'school' that seem more like matrons from the prison film "Caged"! But the plot is much more complex and interesting...making it a truly unusual film. While the plot has a few minor problems, the overall film is surprisingly good despite all the icky aspects of the picture.
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