A Run-Of-The-Mill Production.
21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Viewed on DVD. Cinematography = seven (7) stars; restoration = six (6) stars; subtitles = four (4) stars; editing = two (2) stars; score = one (1) star. Director Hideo Gosha's mounting of a pedestrian Chanbara (sword play) that starts with a superfluous, expository voice-over (which is never a good sign) and quickly begins to suffer from the effects of ham-handed editing. The film uses flashbacks that repeat everything described in the voice-over. Flashbacks occur without warning with the narrative just suddenly (and confusingly) jumping to past events (for sure, the film could benefit from events emerging in chronological order). In one scene, a prostitute suddenly appears and murders a nearly drown samurai for reasons never fully explained. In another, a major sword fight suddenly jumps from an interior set to an exterior field of tall grass. The list goes on and on. (It is obvious that too much (or not enough) has been left on the proverbial cutting-room floor!) Sword fights are poorly choreographed and seem amateurish. They take on the unmistakable aura of children playing with wooden sticks. The Director seems to have exerted a firm hand on his actors/actresses with the former turning in credible performances (except for their wielding of swords). But, alas, it is not enough to compensate for a weak and wobbly script (gold-panning samurai, anyone?. The movie's title is explained/ underlined ad nausea in scene after scene. Cinematography (wide screen, black and white) is very good. It is often understated with subtle nuances. The use of tall grass and a boulder-laced stream for exterior scenes is excellently staged. Film score includes contemporary jazz rifts that should have been used elsewhere and not in a photo play of the mid 1800's. Restoration is fine. Subtitles are often too long given the fast flash rates. A hallmark of Criterion releases. (Keep a finger poised over the pause button!) A partial cure for insomnia. WILLIAM FLANIGAN, PhD.
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