The Filthy Frank Show (2011–2017)
Absurd, hilarious, genius
21 September 2016
The Filthy Frank Show is a show created by George Miller and hosted on the TV Filthy Frank Youtube channel. It displays an absurd reality,with grotesque characters and vulgar humour.

Its complicated to review the show, since the variety of videos makes it hard to summarize. George Miller created a character called Filthy Frank, who is everything, we as humans, should not be. He is racist, sexist and insulting towards various groups and minorities. But also depicts strong opinions, some people might be too afraid to show in real life.

The Filthy Frank show displays our reality with these strange characters living in them, with all kinds of different deities and creatures.

The show seemingly takes place in an alternate universe, but clearly depicts the absurd reality that exist in our society. Furthermore there are some videos, depicting confrontation between this "alternate universe" and our reality, leading us to reflect upon what we as a society stand for.

He created a lore inside this universe, which is well hidden and it takes thinking to really understand it. George Miller uses offensive humour ; contrasting the politically correct entertainment industry, especially in the US. He also composes his own music for the show, which is very well written and thought through with a very clever writing style, mostly in genres like Hip Hop, House and Rap. He often breaks the 4th wall, interacting with the audience and ironically making fun of it.

This show is well aware of it grotesque nature and its provocative content. This combination of vulgar humour, grotesque characters, pop/internet culture references and bizarre story, creates a perfect mix between plain entertainment and thought provoking content, therefore appealing to a broad audience of people. The target audience is younger people, from the teenager wanting to differentiate himself in a society that is becoming more homogeneous and the young adult seeking for clever and absurd entertainment.

George Miller is well aware of his audience and very cleverly plays with the audience, poking fun at it, making us reflect. No matter why one watches the show, its combination of style for each single episode, makes it easily on of the best shows on YouTube and deserves the best rating possible.
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