Gotham: Mad City: Better to Reign in Hell (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
DC done right.
19 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For those who were not happy with the way the DC universe was handled in BATMANVSUPERMAN and SUICIDE SQUAD, and there are many millions of them, a new season of GOTHAM is back on the air to show them how it should be done. This Batman show without Batman really goes the extra mile to make the world of the Dark Knight come to life. They do this mainly by some spot on casting and scripts which, despite some clunky plotting, that gives us what the movies often lack-humor.

The season 2 finale saw the destruction of Indian Hill and the mass escape of Huge Strange's creations into the streets of Gotham City; the first episode of season 3 picks up a few months later, when these monsters, led by the returning Fish Mooney, are making their presence felt. Jim Gordon is now a bounty hunter, having failed to patch things up with Lee, spurning an offer to rejoin Commissioner Barnes's police force and making some scratch by tracking down Strange's creatures. Meanwhile, teenage Bruce Wayne has been away, secretly tracking down leads as to who was behind Indian Hills and using Wayne Enterprises as a cover. As usual, Bruce rushes head on into trouble and in the episode's final scene, gets kidnapped after poor Alfred takes a beating.

In between we catch up on all our favorite characters: Oswald Cobblepot is back where he needs to be, in charge of the Gotham underworld and determined to get Fish; Ed Nygma is still incarcerated; Barbara Kean is still seriously disturbed and running a nightclub with Tabitha Galavan, while poor lovelorn Butch still pines for Tabitha; Selina Kyle is working for Fish, a decision she is clearly starting to have second thoughts about, especially when her good friend Ivy runs afoul of Fish; Lucius Fox is working for the police now, where Harvey Bullock has gone back to being a detective with Barnes back in charge. Ethel Peabody turns up briefly before coming to a bad end when she can't tell Fish where to find Dr. Strange. That worthless mayor even shows his face and one of the more interesting plot threads from season 2's finale, Bruce's doppelganger shows up a couple of times, is he really Thomas Wayne Junior? It's one of the more interesting fan theories.

With all this catching up, there wasn't much time left for setting up the story arc for this season, except that the bad guys appear to be doing very well for themselves, besides Bruce being kidnapped, Jim gets knocked out while Barbara and Tabitha break very bad on some hoods trying to muscle in on their club. The Court of Owls appears to be in session and the fun has just begun.
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