Review of Trianon

Trianon (2005)
What this documentary really is about
17 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Because that the Romanian commenters gave negative votes not because of the value of the film, but because their nationalistic views, that made the Hungarian commenters to give positive votes to itt o balance the films ratings. The fact that the Romanians are voting here because of their hatred, prevented a fair rating of the film, which would show the real value (be as good or bad, but strictly of its value as a film, and not nationalistic points of view of the bunch of the hatred-full commenters!) of it! Thank you Romanians! What would you say if Hungarian viewers here would start to give negative comments or ratings on your movies, which make Romanian nationalist propaganda, present the history in your point of view, and not theirs? Movies like: Dacii, Columna, Mihai Viteazu, etc? But the ratings and comments given to these movies show that the Hungarians are not chauvinists like you to waste their times in forming of internet groups who are making these kinds of comments and to „hunt" your historical movies to give them negative voting, like you do on the Hungarian films Yes this also shows who are the nationalists and creators of hatred here! And about what is this documentary film really talking about. the film is consisted from these parts:

1. It shows the historical events that led to the partition, in 1920, of Hungary in the Trianon treaty, with presenting the causes that led to this event, with the opinions of the Hungarian historians Nemeskürty István, Raffay Ernő, Fejtő Ferenc, and Glatz Ferenc. 2. The 2. and 3. parts talk about the consequences of the treaty. The fate of the Hungarian minorities which resulted from this treaty after the partition of Hungary in 1920, than the mistakes of the Hungarian governments in entering the 2. world war. 3. The 3. part is about what happened afterwards until the film was made. In these parts the politicians and priests like Tőkés László, Duray Miklós és Pozsgay Imre are speaking. Here the fate of the Hungarian minorities is presented and how Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, etc are treating the Hungarian minorities, trying to assimilate them and preventing them to express their national identity.

In the film you can find also some songs and reciting of poems from Hungarian poets. Although the film has its obvious weak parts (for example, being a more than 10 hours film, it had to be reduced in a 2 hours variant, and this can be feel, or the inclusion of songs and poems which is not suitable for a documentary film), but these are not why the Romanian commenters are condemning it: their only purpose is to express their hatred, which by some of the comments even goes as far as expressing racist opinions too (like like speaking about Hungarians as a "nomad barbaric warrior tribe") there is no propaganda for retaking the lost Hungarian territories, but it is somehow a sentimental, melancholic remembering this obvious Hungarian tragedy, which caused many tears and sufferings among the Hungarians, like the Benes laws, (which named the Hungarians as a „guilty nation", like the Jews were named in Nazi Germany, and deposing them of their basic citizen rights), which are even today part of the Slovakian laws , the forced population deporting from Czechoslovakia to Hungary, the pogrom from Marosvásárhely, the Romanian labor camps from 1945-48, the beheading of Hungarians by the Maniu Guard in 1945, etc. and the different policies of assimilation of today. So the Romanian comments and low ratings, except one (notimemonkeybusiness) are fake and have nothing to do with this movie. They are only the expressing here their chauvinism, and nothing else!
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