Review of A Blast

A Blast (2014)
Actually i couldn't find the story
15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of this movies you watch and getting excited about but then disappoints you after all.

Actually i couldn't find the story. Neither her relation to her husband, nor her relation the her sister or parents. I get that she is struggling with life. But the why isn't really told at all. For a movie which is totally about its main character, you get pretty much no insight in her character. All things she does are making some sense. but for me it is the task of the movie to explain it to me. to let me understand the character and her feelings. And this is done poorly.

Actually the movie kinda got me when she was planing everything. giving her children away, the strange black car at the start[..]. So at least, i thought, she had a plan. And especially the movie made it look like she had a plan. But in the end: No, no plan. Shes not running away traveling the world or is becoming a sex slave (wich i thought at some point). She just drives to nowhere chased by a police car appearing like in a classical action movie (totally stupid and with no reason). If this is a metaphor for her getting nowhere in life, If this should be the whole point of this movie, showing that she cant run away and cant get nowhere, i will instantly take 3 stars off my rating and never watch movies again.

Also 50% of the screen time you see her having sex with her husband. Yeah OK i get that she had great sex and a lot. but really it felt like the whole point in this movie was showing them "making love". Anyway, i like the style and display of sexuality in this movie. Its just too much and always the same shot and after the 3 or 4th time nobody can tell me that it has any value to the plot anymore.

6 points because her performance is great and for nice shots and colours. But i wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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