Remake of classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington doesn't get MY vote!
15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across this movie on the late, late show and recognized Laughlin and wondered if this might be one of those "Billy Jack" movies I'd heard about but had never seen. It didn't take me long to realize the movie I was watching was a remake of the classic Mr.Smith Goes to Washington as it follows the scene structure pretty closely. Horrible movie. Laughlin was so wooden in the film that I was shocked that he had enough popularity to HAVE this role. His wife, Delores Taylor, ironcially enough, vaguely resembles original leading lady Jean Arthur; only Ms. Taylor comes across more as the rural Appalachian no makeup, kinda scrawny, coal miner's wife version. It's very weird folks. It's like these two kidnapped the real stars of the movie and jumped into their roles. Veteran actor Pat O'Brien still brings a twinkle to his eye and was about the only twinkle this movie had to offer. Ironically it was a very young Lucie Arnaz (25ish) in a small role that provided an aesthetic link to the original role with her moxie fueled approach to her characterization that at least enlivened the screen occasionally from the wooden, deadpan approach NO LAUGH LAUGHLIN served up. Is there ANYTHING worth viewing? Well it has some nice shots of Washington DC National Mall with all its famous memorials and you know it's got that 1977 "look" so you can see what the cool cats were wearing. So it does have some kitsch to check out the bell bottom pants, etc. Do yourself a favor and just see the original which STILL holds up decades later!
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