The Best Film of 2016 was made in the 80's
14 September 2016
I knew about "Apartment Zero" but I had never seen it even though I thought I had. Someone said "Single White Female" was its remake. What? Not even close. "Apartment Zero" is an original in every possible way. I certainly never seen a movie like it and I don't remember when was the last time I was so unnerved, enthralled and surprised by a movie. Colin Firth is astonishing, 28 years ago! The character is impossible to love and yet you do, love him. At least, you care and fear for him. There are entire sequences that made me hold my breath, literally. Invaded by a sense of impending doom without being able to identify its source. Now I can tell you, the source was from within me. Colin Firth's craving for company is as piercing as it is uncomfortable. Not too distant from Shelley Winters in "Lolita" but more British, kind of buried underneath. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I saw it 48 hours ago. I can't wait to see it again.
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