Narcos: Our Man in Madrid (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
Episode 203: Our man in Madrid
13 September 2016
Our man in Madrid is an old friend. Colonel Carrillo. The first sight of him brings an air of excitement to the episode. He is given full reign this episode shaking up the ground troops and leading 100 men to show Pablo that he is back. Pablo's facial reaction is one rarely seen and goes to show that perhaps there is one man he is afraid of.

For the most part Pablo took a back seat in the episode but Carrillo lit up the screen and on two distinct occasions, shocked the viewer with despicable acts of violence. The first act was actually tough to watch, even the evil Escobar may have drawn the line here. This guy in a matter of moments proved that while on the side of the good guys, he may be as despicable as the rest of the series villains. His second act aboard a helicopter wasn't as shocking as you could clearly tell what was to come. But it will have a big impact on Escobar who will be sure to retaliate. Pena and Murphy are witnesses to the above and are clearly shaken by the events. However if they want any part of the investigation I guess they are going to have to go with it. But breakdowns for one and both are pending if Carrillo continues his ways. My bet is on Murphy who has a touching final phone call to close the episode, the first time this series he has really felt in the game.

Elsewhere Judy visits Orejuela, Leader of the Cali Cartel to plot a plan to take down her enemy. The Cali's are eager to keep a clean front and so hatch a cleaver plan to catch some of Pablo's men, at a cost to Judy which she willingly sacrifices.

Not as much excitement as the previous two episodes, more used as a platform to welcome back Carrillo. But for me the second act of violence could have been saved for another day, the first was terrible enough.
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