A Terrible Documentary For A Terrible Person
2 September 2016
I have to wonder why anyone would make a documentary like this, since it makes this arrogant monster look one hundred times worse. Awful editing and continuity. Purpose is completely missing. Nothing holds together and it's just that idiot with his chemical helmet of yellow epoxy hair gel along with an equally corrosive orange spray tan telling everyone how wonderful he is, and then continuing his pitiful fear mongering and agenda of nauseating hatred.

It's appropriate that this train wreck is portraying a rancorous power hungry lunatic as someone who can't fit the pieces together very well, with limited scope or intelligence to show something even slightly visionary. It's like watching a wretched nightmare of bad television broadcasting, a progression of completely idiotic and useless video clips.

If you want to watch a 6-year old in a baseball cap and ill-fitting blazer making a bunch of big scenes like a malcontent juvenile, this movie is for you. The only redeeming aspect of this movie is that it documents a despicable presidential campaign that will go down in history as a shameful reflection of a country's hatred and anger.
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