Peggy Sue, It's A Wonderful Life
31 August 2016
It's Peggy Sue's 25 high school reunion and what started as a dream marriage to high school sweetheart Nicholas Cage has gone sour with his infidelity. The two are getting divorced and attend separately. But an accident as Kathleen Turner is accepting her reunion queen crown knocks her unconscious and she's transported back to her high school days with all the folks she's enjoying happy and unhappy memories.

Coming right down to it Peggy Sue Got Married is a combination of The Wizard Of Oz and It's A Wonderful Life. All three films involve transportation to alternate universes for the protagonists. All three films have the same moral, that there's no place like home.

Kathleen Turner got her career role and an Oscar nomination for Best Actress in Peggy Sue Got Married. You believe her both as middle age woman and teenager who's in love, but retains all her memories of her future and now is questioning what she did, did she make the right life choices. A whole lot like George Bailey. Other performances I enjoyed were that of Barry Miller who became a famous scientist, but was the school nerd in the day and Kevin O'Connor as the beatnik rebel who gives the English teacher hell for liking Hemingway over Kerouac.

Three survivors of Hollywood's Golden Age gave some great performances. Leon Ames and Maureen O'Sullivan as her maternal grandparents. And John Carradine who was doing mostly Grade Z horror flicks at the time was great in a role as the Grand Poobah of Ames's lodge. Love those incantations he was giving. A great role to chew the scenery and look normal doing it.

Peggy Sue Got Married also got Oscar nominations for Cinematography and Costume Design. It's great viewing and a whole ensemble cast does some really fabulous work.
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