The film has a great plot, sadly the production isn't up to the same standard.
30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sally Raynor has gotten over the disappearance of her husband, Martin, who's plane went down over Brazil almost two years since. She's started a new relationship with the local Doctor, John Harper, but her world is turned upside down when Martin returns, a very different character.

The plot is rather interesting and quite intriguing, the opening scenes which see Sally acquitted by the Jury, and her subsequent frosty meeting with Martin's mother in law are the film's high points. Unfortunately from there on in, it's a bit of a yawn fest, it is incredibly dialogue heavy and very slow paced. It pains me to say it, but some of the acting is rather poor, Michael Gough, an actor I've always been a big fan of, is shocking, his expressions are wonderfully over the top. Ronald Howard gives the most accomplished performance I think it's fair to say.

I like the story, and I suppose I like the way that it's told, this could have been a good movie with a bigger budget, and maybe a different production team, if's and but's aside, it's a tough film to get through without yawning. 5/10
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