26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Rather routine but interesting fanfare showcasing Van Johnson as a detective in hot pursuit of a policeman's killer and on the body, money was found to make it appear that the dead officer was on the take. The part where the dead officer's son sold his gun for $80.00 to the crooks was somewhat difficult to believe.

Arlene Dahl plays Johnson's loving wife who begins to question their marriage as the Johnson character becomes obsessed with finding the killer. Real acting kudos must go here to Gloria De Haven, a moll who appears kind and you wonder how she got mixed up with such hoods. Her real persona shows by film's end as she is nothing more than a vicious broad whose complicity led to the death of several people.

John McIntire represents the aging cop who refuses to retire due to failing eyesight. He literally goes out with a bang. Donald Woods briefly appears as a news reporter ready to write down any tidbit possible. Even in 1949, we are faced with low wages, lack of respect and a media ready to jump on the police even if one of them is a rotten apple.
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