Vickers is back.
28 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Bobby Ray Shafer and his wisecracking, satanic alter ego Officer Joe Vickers did their second go around in this almost comedic horror movie.

Instead of chasing college kids through the woods, he's invading a clandestine bachelor party in an office building. After overhearing two of the office drones talking about the upcoming festivities (Cop cliché, he's having coffee and a doughnut at the time), he toys with them in his own disturbing way and leaves.

Opening credits and a police cruiser full of human body parts with satanic symbols drawn in blood. Now don't you figure a casual passerby would have noticed? Oh well, no point in over-analyzing.

Larry (Rod Sweitzer) and his paranoid buddy Brian (Miles Dougal) make their way to their crummy jobs in a depressing office building with a terminally grouchy boss, excited over the possibilities the evening holds.

Booze and strippers abound, not to mention two office workers carrying on in the copy room. Enter the uninvited guest with murder on his mind. Laughing and slashing his way through the building, Officer Vickers like the first movie, has a one-liner for every occasion. Sometimes two or three. He also has some pretty creative ways of taking out his victims.

The ending was a cliffhanger, but no third movie has materialized.

I have to admit, I actually found this one more enjoyable than the first. Though I can't help but be curious where Joe in the three or four years that had passed. Oh well, I'm over-analyzing again. If you want to enjoy a couple of campy slasher flicks, spend an evening with Officer Joe Vickers.
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