Time Raiders (2016)
Not Exactly Lara Croft
27 August 2016
When the scion of a family of tomb robbers discovers the key to an ancient tomb, his uncle refuses to take him along. Tomb robbing isn't for people with university degrees -- obviously none of their relatives has seen an Indiana Jones movie. However, the youngster sneaks his way into the affair and finds himself in the midst of a four-sided fight for the tomb.

For most of its length TIME RAIDERS is an interesting if derivative sort of work that you can slide into effortlessly. It shows good storytelling technique and intersperses some decent gags into its CGI-laden moments of fear and terror -- those bugs really are nasty -- even if I was occasionally bemused at the effortless way in which the Cyclopean mechanisms of the tomb operate after four hundred years of neglect. For me, a brand-new can opener comes apart the first time I use it. However, the climactic battle loused things up for me, as people were able to calculate to the instant to whack that chain with a sword to make it carry them to a rare moving spot of safety, or to shoot a moving nail head in the midst of chaos from a couple of hundred yards. I found the suspension of disbelief needed for fantasy snapped.

Up until then, however, it's fairly good. It resumed its decent technique after the battle, but by the it was too late.
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