Typical Teen...
27 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TEENAGE MONSTER is a textbook examination of Teenage Angst: our hero, Charlie, is dealing with feelings of inadequacy, so he lashes out at Society. Because his testosterone levels have been upped considerably by an errant meteor, this results in several gruesome deaths. When he first discovers the joys of male/female relationships, his naïve notions of Love are put to the ultimate test by a young temptress; this, too, results in mayhem. All of this is typical teenage behavior. Ask Whit Bissell. TEENAGE MONSTER doesn't waste any time whatsoever getting down to business: the meteor comes crashing to Earth during the prologue, effectively killing two birds with one stone (Charlie is transformed and his dad killed so horribly that the filmmakers didn't have the intestinal fortitude to show it). Jack Pierce takes over at this point, and we gets lots of good close ups of The Monster (a huge plus for ANY Fright Film). The pace never slackens. Not disappointing.
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