Naked and Afraid XL (2015– )
Not bad guilty pleasure with occasional flashes of interesting knowledge about how to survive in the wilderness
24 August 2016
N & A XL is much better than the original N & A. Instead of only 21 days, survivalists have to reach 40, and rather than just 2 people, there are 12.

They begin divided in small groups, but after several days tend to bunch up into one big group.

The show can be viewed from many different perspectives. Nature people will find most interest in the survival aspects and the beauty of the exotic outdoors, people who like reality television drama will like it for the relationships, teams, cliques, and alliances, people who live an active lifestyle and exercise will find it interesting how their bodies physiologically respond to low calories, and people who like contests will be intrigued by who makes it to the end.

Because the environmental conditions are so harsh, many people can't make it to the 40th day and "tap out". The brutal conditions really take their toll on everyone as they severely lose weight and struggle to find any significant amount of food to feed the group. By the 20th-30th day, the survivalists' energy levels are so depleted that they can barely move and to conserve it, they have to stay in one place most of the time.

This is the type of show that lots of people would be embarrassed to admit they like. Some of the drama is staged, and they use lots of stock footage of dangerous wildlife to try to increase the viewers' feelings of danger and suspense. Rumors have gone around that sometimes producers will sneak in a candy bar or drop a fish in their pond to catch for food when they're starving. So there are some weaknesses that people will be quick to point out and you'll notice that aren't fully realistic.

However, this is a guilty pleasure on a bored Sunday night if there ever was one. The nature shots are beautiful, the animal footage will leave you in awe and captivated, and the sense of fear and danger is real. The survivalists really are struggling to make it due to unbearable heat, scarce food, irritability and emotional volatility due to the frustrating situations.

I didn't think season 2 would be as good as season 1, especially after the first episode or two, but after the last episodes 6 & 7, I'm surprised to honestly feel and say that it just passed it. What looked like an easy glide to 40 days for everyone turned into a nightmare that saw 5 people, 3 of the most popular, tap out within 24 hours, and there's still 11 days to go. It was a real surprise how many survivalists who appeared to be the strongest suddenly couldn't make it.

I think the best way to describe this show would be a guilty pleasure with occasional bits of brilliant survival knowledge.
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