Wholly underrated
21 August 2016
The show got cancelled in Aug 2016 and that's a bloody shame.

Just like The Daily and Colbert Report did The Nightly Show taught me a lot and without knowing it the show has changed my perspective on a few things, and I'm grateful for it.

I love Stewart and Colbert but their clever, witty show styles can be and is copied now that big media realized its a cash cow (look at Full Frontal and The Democracy Handbook which I also love). But the Nightly has more soul and a great team that focused on race more than other shows and was a tad more serious and challenged the norm (like Wilmore's speech at the WHCD) which ultimately lead to its demise (which I believe is a very short-sighted decision by CC).

I'm sure Yard, Albenese, Walker, Veles, Ramsey, Parra, Carlos, and Wilmore along with the Trump character and Felonious Munk will get jobs very easily after demonstrating the huge talent they are.
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