Once Upon a Time: Lady of the Lake (2012)
Season 2, Episode 3
Unexpected Knight
20 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Weird that Lancelot is in the show now. Didn't expect that at all. Also very weird that kids are still going to school in Storybrooke, which means that certain people still have to pretend to be bus drivers and teachers. Shouldn't they all be figuring out how to get back to the enchanted forest? The king's ploy was savage as well, making Snow infertile. You really gotta feel bad for the Queen when she just wants the best for Henry, and all he does is betray her and treat her like garbage. He really sucks. Like really sucks. The ground of the forest in the enchanted forest is quite nice, no leaves or overgrown bushes or anything. I struggle to appreciate the line between fairy tales and being realistic. The ogre was pretty lame, as he seemed to change in size with every shot. I wonder if they're going to keep going with the Lancelot thread, going all the way to Arthur and Merlin. I really hope there'll be a Merlin, as he would be a heavy weight magic user, and a Merlin and Rumpelstiltskin magic showdown would be amazing. Also why would Cora run from Snow and Emma? She's infinitely more powerful than all of them put together. That tricky mother of Charming, sounds like something my grandmother would do trying to not accept money. Also completely forgot about the havoc the king could wreak on the town in Storybrooke.
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