Mad Men: Wee Small Hours (2009)
Season 3, Episode 9
Satisfying and Painful
19 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While the ending of this episode seemed like a bit of a let-down, straight from the beginning to almost-the-end was amazing. Every once in a while, "Mad Men" gives you a little piece of what was happening at the time, and at least for me, I smile a little bit inside because, I don't know, there's something exhilarating about hearing about the famous "I have a dream" speech in a TV show and going "Oh, my God! That!" There's also something wonderful about knowing that certain things are going to happen that the characters aren't aware of. Ever since "Nixon vs. Kennedy" we're been at the edge of our seats wondering when the latter is going to meet his demise and the underlying suspense is wonderful. But, on to the main course of events.

At long last, we see the consequences of Sal's sexuality in the time period they're in. We knew in our hearts it was going to happen, but it's still gut-wrenching when it does. It's also the first time we sort of have a political opposition to Don, adding, with disgust, "you people," referring to the gay community. Don's always been on the right side of history, and here he isn't, and it's interesting. What goes through Sal's head there? Is Don really biased, or is it his time period? Will we ever see Sal again? I love Sal as a character, and I certainly hope we do. But this season has marked the end of a lot of people. First, Gene. Then Joan. Then, in one episode, both Sal and Connie Hilton.

Which brings me to my final praise for the episode: Hilton. What a magnificent character Connie Hilton is. He's responsible for bringing about some of the best writing in the show, and this episode is no exception. His departure was handled masterfully.

Satisfying to see lose ends tied up. Painful because of how it happens.
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