Flying Blind (2012)
Hot air
17 August 2016
Flying High is a micro budget movie filmed in Bristol by first time director Katarzyna Klimkiewicz.

Frankie (Helen McCrory) is a middle aged aerospace engineer working on drone technology and also lectures at the university.

Frankie gets involved with a student who attends his lectures, Kahil (Najib Oudghiri) an Algerian Muslim and both have a torrid affair which causes concerns with her employers, the police and her father who was also an aerospace engineer.

Frankie quickly becomes suspicious of Kahil. After all he is much younger than her, she catches him driving a taxi and it emerges he is an illegal immigrant. Frankie must decide whether Kahil has ulterior motives in connecting with her or it is just paranoia as she enters a world of people from different backgrounds and culture.

It is hard to believe that the film was shot for less than £500,000. The director keeps the relationship passionate as the leads lust for each other which helps maybe to assuage Frankie's concerns about the relationship but it does not work as a thriller, maybe because the screenplay always leaves a nagging doubt hanging over Kahil.
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