Review of C Street

C Street (2016)
Laughing At Hypocritics
17 August 2016
I am a political junkie. I live in Washington, D.C. Never worked on the Hill. Know many whom have. Recognized the usual suspects this flick satirizes. The satire is brutal, truthful, a full body slam at the hypocrisy on the Hill. The focus is on the most hypocritical: The flag lapel wearing -- (Not that there's anything wrong with wearing a flag lapel ) - The flag undershorts wearing -- (Well, what a man wears under his pants, even if he's a politician, is his own business) - The Red Staters. (Well, somebody's gotta represent those folks.) Some in the era of Donald Trump might accuse the producers of piling on the pain. Others might excuse them. The flick depicts "conservative" politicians, the hypocritical ones, as selfish egotistical sex maniacs.

And the flick is a boy meets girl. Boy looses girl. Boy gets girl story. And it's a retelling / updated / 21 century take on the 1960 Billy Wilder's flick, "The Apartment." Here, the boy, a member of a powerful U.S. Senator's staff, uses his D.C. apartment as a place where high powered politicians can entertain hookers and hos, and do the dirty, whether its whoring or snorting coke. Also as the result of a devious act by a character, whose identity I won't disclosed in this review, many of the boy's high-power clients and their "hos" show up at the apartment at the same time to use the facilities. And what follows is a wild and zany, comedic sequence that is purely Marx Brothers-ish.

There's slapstick, and many funny lines. It's an enjoyable flick, for folks whom enjoy laughing at the foibles of the powerful.
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