Poirot: The Million Dollar Bond Robbery (1991)
Season 3, Episode 3
Poirot at sea
12 August 2016
Poirot is hired by the London & Scottish Bank to investigate the security of a large bond transfer. The bonds are to be taken across the Atlantic on the liner Queen Mary (on her maiden voyage) and the courier, Mr Shaw, has been the target of two murder attempts. The second attempt leaves him unable to make the voyage so he is replaced by Philip Ridgeway. Poirot and Hastings are sent with him. This is wonderful news to Hastings, as he is a big admirer of the Queen Mary. (As it transpires, he doesn't get to enjoy the voyage nearly as much as he would have liked). A day or so from New York, the bonds are stolen. Not only does Poirot have to find the thief but he has to deal with the obstructiveness and disdain of Mr McNeil, the head of security for the bank. He has no respect for private detectives.

Quite interesting, with some great historic footage of the Queen Mary. It always helps a Poirot episode when an historic event is woven into the plot and the maiden voyage of the Queen Mary is such an event.

Some nice and amusing sub-plots too. Hastings, as always, features in the amusing aspects. His naivety, chivalry, malleability and wide- eyed wonder around beautiful women always makes for interesting watching.
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