Happy Landing (1938)
A skater lands on their feet; a cad lands on something else.
11 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Playboy song writer/orchestra leader Cesar Romero has pretty much had a girl in every port, and now he wants to add Norway to that list. This creates a pickle for his agent, Don Ameche, who has gotten him out if scrape after scrape after scrape. His latest was blackmailing Ethel Merman who had proof of that on a record, but a record must be complete to be admissible in court. In Norway, he makes pretty skater Sonja Henie think he's proposed, but Ameche makes other plans for him. That doesn't stop Henie from following back to New York where by chance, Ameche makes her a skating star while Romero returns to the opportunistic Merman.

Fast moving screwball musical comedy has a few bits of dated shtick, including one with greasy spoon waiter/cook Billy Gilbert that is half smirks/half groans. Merman has a few jazzy numbers, and if course, Henie skates. El Brendel, one of the most annoying comics in film history, shows up briefly (thank you God!) for a barely acceptable novelty number. Merman's character gets a bit violent in a few moments that are supposed to be comical bit land with a thud. She struck gold the same year with "Alexander's Ragtime Band" but you can see why she returned to the stage. Best taken as an entertainment for its time and not much else.
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