Bad animation, idiotic story no need to watch it.
8 August 2016
This is awful Batman Story and they even manage to pull in to that black whole Green Arrow and Flash. For real this one of the worst animated movies I have watched to date and I felt that I wasted one hour and sixteen minutes all for nothing. Anyway I at least can warn you dear reader to not see it.

I am pretty sure that the team behind that junk haven't read, watch or even work in a DC animated flick before for they would know who to do it if not excellent then in a respective manner. This flick is a huge marketing trick in order to get money by selling toys. Toy Story itself had less merchandise and it was about freaking toys for crying out loud. And my three out of ten shows how high I have this tactics in order for the studio make money!

At this moment I feel bad for I saw again my favorite superhero been in bad flick after Batman and Robin for I though "It is almost two decades for his abomination ,everyone by now should have learn what to avoid".Well that film broke this belief in me. Also the cherry on top of this Pyle of horse dump has a lot of inconsistencies!

In the end avoid it at all cost it doesn't deserve a chance of this flick is a insult to the comics' mythology!
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