Review of Good Kill

Good Kill (2014)
Yet another Clueless Hollywood version of War; over simplified propaganda
5 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another "the US is the bad guy" film, that in its over simplified world view that Hollywood continues to force feed the public. The dialog between Military rank and file is ridiculous in its insubordination. Conversations replace ORDERS, and the Film would have you believe it's normal to have lengthy discussions via speakerphone between the NAMELESS CIA operator and the men and women taking orders MID-STRIKE. MIGRANE inducing and laughable if it were not so believable by some to be the way real War is conducted.

It's a shame, there is a decent movie in there some where...but fear of Patriotism seems to do nothing but create another misleading propaganda piece about the evil American Military.

This movie is offensively unrealistic.
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