Enough action to take your mind off the inanity of the plot
4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of the countless 'Bruce Lee imitator' films that were churned out in the wake of the late actor's demise, THE IMAGE OF BRUCE LEE is neither a good film or a bad one – just a so-so effort that'll be entertaining for those in the right mood. This one adopts a James Bond-style espionage plot as the good guys head off against an evil criminal gang, but it's all a simple excuse for a series of kung fu fights. Out of all the fight films I've watched, this has got to be one of the most action-packed, and the last half an hour is essentially one big showdown. It's a shame, then, that the choreography is only average and the fights seem a bit stilted and wooden. This is one of those films where the actors seem 'stiff', their arms lumps of wood that knock hollowly against each other when they battle it out.

Still, kung fu fans will enjoy the scenic battles, especially the final show-off at a ruined building and a beach. There are some moments of inspired lunacy to be had – the opening scene, in which Bruce climbs a building (in Bruce Lee's trademark yellow gym suit from GAME OF DEATH) in an attempt to rescue a guy attempting suicide, only for him to fall when he loses his prosthetic arm, is a classic. This is also one of the most risqué kung fu flicks I've witnessed, as co-star Danna, a Chinese actress, frequently sheds all of her clothing for plenty of protracted nude moments. The cast is pretty interesting, with lots of familiar faces like John Cheung, Han Yin-Chieh, and Hon Yee San appearing in assorted roles, and it's always a pleasure to see Bolo Yeung on screen. Here, Yeung takes part – with his trademark energy – in plenty of battles, only to suffer the same fate as the one in CHALLENGE OF THE TIGER when he ends up being betrayed by the other bad guys.

Although Bruce Li looked less like the real thing than Bruce Le, I have the feeling his fighting was slightly better. He's got a lot of energy here, performing a ton of flying kicks and jumps throughout the running time. He also had some natural charisma which helped him in front of the camera, and the clichéd 'copy Bruce's mannerisms' scene only happens once in the entire running time. As for the title? It comes from when Danna tells Bruce he looks just like the real thing – only for him to respond "not interested"! A nice little in-joke for the fans. THE IMAGE OF BRUCE LEE isn't a great flick, but it ain't a bad one either. Fans might just like it.
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