Excitement to Disappointment
4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let me keep this short with minimum spoilers. Here is a summary of why this movie went downhill halfway through the film.

1. The movie started out great with the whole possession scene. The makeup was good and the scene had a tense atmosphere.

2. Went to kind of Okay in the middle where Molly gets locked in the padded cell. The makeup degraded in terms of quality from the first possession scene. The CGI bug/insect was not top-notch and felt unnecessary to me.

3. Ended with Wow that was lame with the whole occult scene. The Chaplain being leader of an occult (oh, come on!) was ridiculous. And who were the random occult members who just showed up at the end? It boggles the mind.

So, to sum it up, this movie had the potential to be 7 stars or more had it been executed better with a few tweaks in the story-line here and there. But instead ended up like Jaws 3D, lame and soon to be forgotten.
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