A Dog Year (2009)
Disappointed. Who doesn't like Jeff Bridges? Me. He phoned it in.
3 August 2016
Really disappointed in the film as an avid Jon Katz reader and fan. It took how many weeks to build the HBO Memorial Lambing Shed? Where was it? And the film showed none of Bedlam Farm. Perhaps that hilltop where the Blair woman showed Katz what a real sheep dog can do was actually the steep hill on his NY property although the bulk of it was filmed several miles west of his home. The actual view of the village is stupendous, missed that. Where were the donkeys?

Sorry, Jeff Bridges fans, but I did not get any of Mr. Katz's true angst from him. He was his usual, my-way-or-the-highway character, which I have grown very tired of over the past few decades. And I've been there for his entire career. I once had a pre-teen crush on the guy when he appeared in Sea Hunt with his dad, but ended up loving his brother way more. The last film I liked Jeff in was "Blown Away". John Goodman would have brought more of Jon Katz to the Jon Katz in this movie. I kept waiting the movie to really start and suddenly it was over. As dog movies go, the one about the Pig was better.
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