This. Was. AWESOME!!!!
2 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
**VERY** minor spoilers, here. Very. Seriously, they're inconsequential and vague, but I don't wanna get on a list.

I say 'awesome', because I was filled with awe at the sheer audacity of some of the scenes. The over-the-top factors (of which there were hundreds, of course) weren't thrown together haphazardly - they were all woven together in a strangely well executed tapestry of utter ridiculousness.

There were some scenes and characters I didn't like (the billionaire, the kid, the shouty TV dude who had too much screen time, and the farmhouse scenes that stretched too long) but everything else more than made up for those... especially the scene that not-too-obviously referenced Hasselhoff's past roles.

I was smiling and giggling from minute one. Everyone involved in these movies must have had such a blast, I can totally imagine the entire crew in a constant state of laughter while making each scene.

Unless you've been living in a Faraday cage and have completely missed the first three, this movie doesn't need to be sold. Why are you even reading this? Go watch it.
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