Hallows' Eve (2013)
Pretty Much Ridiculous from Beginning to As Far As You Can Stand
2 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start out with the acting which is truly, truly horrendous. I'm guessing the little girl was supposed to have a stutter for some oddball reason, but people don't stutter like that. "M-m-matthew" isn't something you're liable to hear in speech therapy and about the third time she did it was plenty. Then we'll move on to her running in front of a tractor which plows her under. If you've ever been around farm equipment, you'll know that tractors aren't Formula One cars. In order to get run over by a tractor you'd have to have your feet in concrete. And hilariously, she looks up at the driver who just can't seem to stop in time--and the next time we see her, she's not only lying in a pool of chocolate syrup, she's under the trailer the tractor is pulling. So at 3MPH, he ran completely over her and didn't put on the brake until he'd squashed her with both the front and rear tires which is pretty much impossible since tractor tires don't line up front and rear. Best line ever, though, after the girl is squashed: "What have we done?" Second best line, "S-uhm-body g-het a dha-hah-ctor." That's supposed to be a combination of sobbing and talking in case the spelling threw you. Walk away--very quickly--and don't look back.
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