The Hive (2008 TV Movie)
Ant mayhem via the Sci Fi Channel
31 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
THE HIVE is another in a long run of creature features that premiered on the Sci-Fi Channel. A low budget TV movie adopting the same kind of rubbishy effects that marred the likes of VIPERS and IN THE SPIDER'S WEB, THE HIVE is actually something different. It starts off as a typical monster-on-the-loose flick but then turns into a science fiction movie, complete with guys in hazard suits firing plasma guns at the enemy and obliterating them in great swathes. The fact is, these aren't just ants – they're alien ants that somehow can build computer systems (!) in their cave system and turn into floating, writhing tentacles kind of like the water alien in THE ABYSS.

Despite these novel plot elements, the film is as mundane as many of its kind. The acting is of a low calibre, although kudos for casting more individual looking actors and actresses rather than just relying on blonde bimbos and wooden hunks as many of these movies do. I enjoyed the fact that this was filmed on location in Thailand, as that at least means the locations are nice to look at. Despite the alien angle of the story, it's business as usual – people fight ants, win, then the ants regroup, then there's another fight, etc. until the story ends on a predictable twist. There's even the huge 'queen' ant making an appearance at the climax. The CGI effects are pretty poor and the movie is virtually devoid of gore, with only two scenes of interest to the horror fan. The first is a nice moment at the beginning in which a villager is stripped to the bone by the marauding insects, and the second is when a guy gets his visor cracked and the ants swarm into his helmet and strip the flesh from his skull. More of these bits would have made a more enjoyable, spot-the-effect type film experience.

In the end, though, despite being a nice try, this is nothing more than a low rent creature flick. I liked plot elements such as the guy with the ant in his ear canal, but nothing much is made of them. For the definitive treatment on killer ants, try the Charlton Heston flick THE NAKED JUNGLE or alternatively read Peter Tremayne's The Ants or the excellent short story Leiningen vs. the Ants.
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