Love this movie!!!
29 July 2016
I can't wait for "What Happened Last Night" to go into the theaters. I took a train from NYC to Long Island so I could see it at the beginning of July at the Bellmore Movies. Unfortunately, the theater had issues with projection, and the movie stopped at the halfway point. The director Candice Cain was there and she handled it really well, doing giveaways and stuff. (I won a CD from the David Forman Project! I need to watch the movie again and listen for his song,) there were a bunch of stars from the movie there, and it was so cool to meet them.

Austin Davis was my favorite person to meet. He plays "Freshie" in the movie and does a really good job. He is so funny! I recognized him from me favorite show "Ballers," too. He is really tall and has an awesome smile. Freshie was the funniest character in the movie.

I definitely want to see "What Happened Last Night" again. It is being released on November 4, and I don't wanna wait that long!!! I just hope it is at the movies somewhere in NY... But I will take the train if I have to!!
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