Excellent Movie!!
28 July 2016
This is a great movie! Don't listen to any negative review! Unless your IQ is below 60, or you think a scary movie has to contain a bloody pile of guts, you should enjoy this movie! Rarely if ever did a horror movie before the 60's contain blood or guts. This is something sicko's have grown to need in order to be satisfied with a horror movie these days. Your best horror movies of the past like, Dracula, Frankenstien, The Wolfman, and scary old houses with ghosts never needed gore! These are what I consider horror! Some psycho serial killer running around hacking people up isn't horror to me! It's just sick! This movie has an excellent story-line and will keep you guessing right up to the end! This movie is probably more suitable for people with taste! Not the scariest movie, but it has plenty of scares and a great plot!
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