Religion promotion movie, that makes me just mad.
23 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yes it made me mad! Even if of course you want the girl to heal, there are some factors, that makes this a total waste of time.

This looks like a promotion picture, not for a President candidate, but for religion. I have nothing against religion, when people just try to do good. For me if there is a God, spirit or an unknown force, we have no ability to full understand this.

This movie is shallow, because of religious motives. You not see people sweat suffering. You not see living hell on earth in this situation. Everything is clean. The lightening is perfect, not realistic. The people are not of this world. Everything is clean and shining. Well having a sick child in these conditions is not "clean".

Having a sick child is going through hell. It are dramas not enough developed here. All around the world, children are sick, parents go through hell, can't pay the bills, and often a child dies in much worse conditions, then the clean environment of this movie.

That the girl got better after falling, can be explained other then a miracle of religion. The fall could have said her intestines just where they should have been. The fall has altered her condition, but has that has anything to do with God?

How can you state that being so religious, is why she survived? When so many children are dying of cancer and other diseases every day? Why would God choose her to live, and not another poor sick kid?

The movie makes you believe, the girl survives because she believes in God. So other children, who would be non believers deserve to die? That is just what we not like about Islam, to think some people are better then others, just because of any religion.

I believe in people who want to do good, and not because they are part of a religion. I think of all these children, innocent, who were not raised for believing in a God, but have to suffer, just as children, who parents do believe in some religion and are NOT saved.

I hope the family is doing alright, but that they keep
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