It won't scare you to death but it might bore you to it
23 July 2016
I don't know where to begin with this movie, it's just such a drag of a movie that seemingly goes on forever and focus on all the wrong things for the more part.

I tried watching it one 2 other ocassions but I just couldn't get into it so I switched it off and put on something else.

On the third I decided to just stick with it so I've at least watched it once, and kinda wished I hadn't.

A lot of long boring everyday scenes of people doing much to nothing or walking from point a to b or Vincent Gallo playing the fiddle (metaphorically speaking... yes just that, not once but twice in the movie we witness this, luckily nothing too graphic there at least).

There is a little gore but only in a couple scenes so the poster if a all bloody woman is a little misleading if you ask me.

And those scenes tbh feel a bit random, but then I suppose everything in this movie does, and there doesn't seem to be much point to anything (although I'm sure it does I just didn't have the patience or desire to translate some potential symbolisms as it was just boring simple and plain).

Beatrice Dalle is the only redeeming factor and why I give this a 2 instead of a 1.
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