The Lure (2015)
Had to walk out....
20 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After an extremely promising, magical and inventive first half-hour, the sirens' spell quickly wore off of me. The musical numbers, of which there are too many, have completely nonsensical lyrics and so little originality in them that the pace slows down to unbearable levels. It was like watching a bunch of predictable drag queen numbers.

The plot is a complete mess, with random characters popping in and out with little to no consequence other than to up the surreal vibe the film so desperately wants to project, and none of the world's 'rules' remain consistent.

Like a great looking lover whose only talents are to look good, I got bored of this film quickly and proudly ejected myself from the equation before things dragged out even more.

(The first time Polish director shows a lot of promise though and I'll definitely check out her next feature. Her video, with the help of a few ADHD children in the background, thanking the Fantasia audience before the film started was very charming.)

Much love from Montreal!
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