It wasn't terrible.
17 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yes - it's another reboot/sequel. Perhaps the worst part of the movie was it's hype. It's not great. It might be borderline good. But anyone trying to give this a 10/10 has as much to sell you as someone giving it a 1/10.

But, while it's impossible not to make comparisons to the originals (unless of course you actually haven't seen them) this movie does stand on its own. Mind you, it doesn't fly as high as the Star Trek reboot, but it's still oceans better than Finding Dory.

There are some things Ghostbusters (2016) does right: Cameos and when the original theme song come on. Seriously, when it's Ray Parker's "Ghostbusters" playing in the background - those are the great parts of the movie. And most of the original cast add a lot without taking away the willful suspension of disbelief. And there are a few good one lines and jokes that made the entire audience laugh.

But then, there are the things it does wrong: much like watching Jimmy Fallon, there were lots of jokes that were almost funny - but the deliver/timing made for a quiet crowd for the majority of the film. Much of that has to do with several of the cast members not creating memorable characters. Perhaps if there wasn't a comparison to legendary SNL iconic characters there might be less to compete with. They knew how high the bar was, and perhaps they recognized that despite a bloated budget of special effects, they should have spent more money on better writers and editors (A long, boring, 20 minutes more than the originals) even saying "Well, that wasn't terrible." at the end.

They aren't wrong. But by no means was it that great either.

If you're a fan of the originals - you may still be disappointed, but it's at least worth watching, even if for nothing more than the cameos - and the Easter egg teaser at the end.
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