Elvis & Nixon (2016)
I can't help falling in love with this movie. I'm all shook up. Elvis & Nixon was a really fun movie. Thank you! Thank you, very much!
13 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Amazon Studios was created in late 2010s, hoping to compete with Netflix, by joining the bandwagon on producing movies. Although, this low movie is only the second full-feature film produced by them, I have to say, they honestly did a great job on bringing this little novelty movie to the big screen! Even if, the plot & low budget reads & look more like a television movie, than an epic film to watch in theaters. Directed by Liza Johnson, 'Elvis & Nixon' tells the untold true story behind the Dec. 21, 1970 meeting between the King of Rock 'n Roll Elvis Presley (Michael Shannon) & President Richard Nixon (Kevin Spacey). Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, for the most part, this movie was very charming and somewhat humorous oddball movie. While, the plot of the film is often exaggerated in parts for comedic effect; most of the film is actually based on real events and is quite accurate in its telling. However, some parts were not as accuracy, as they seem, such as the case of Elvis's shooting out his television. In truth, the King was fairly restrained in killing TVs and didn't make a particular habit of it. The reason, why this event became, so notorious, was because Elvis shot the TV at a public hotel in Las Vegas in 197, rather than private home of Graceland. Because shots were fired, police had to be escort to the building for safety reason. Another thing, he didn't shot the television, due to the Black Panthers, hippies and Students for a Democratic Society being in the news, but because he saw actor, Robert Goulet, a man, he trust, threaten to steal his wife, on TV. Another thing, the real reason why Elvis wanted to get a badge wasn't because of the couter-culture movement, it was because Elvis had a couple of very serious death threats at the time, and he wanted a federal badge so that he could carry concealed weapons abroad. The whole fight against hippie culture was just his cover-story. Despite those nitpicks, for the most part, I kinda like how they work out the plot of the film. However, the acting in this film, is not the best. While, Michael Shannon is a fine actor, on his own, I really don't see him, transforming well, as the charisma, Elvis Presley. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see Shannon try to do comedy, after years of being typecast of playing villains or beaten down human beings, but I really don't think, Shannon has the comedy chops to pull this, off. First off, he has a stonewall face, who doesn't do well at convincing any other emotional, besides disgust or anger. Second off, it seems like, he was really, holding back; something that Elvis would never ever do; seeing how love the spotlight. I was really, hoping for more for him. I would rather see, Shannon play him, a bit more over the top, than bland & reserved. Another thing, Shannon has a really aged and scar-full face that looks way too unwell & old, for Elvis Presley in the early 1970s. Elvis still had a baby face at the time, even if the King at the time had, a few rashes, due to an allergic reaction, that Presley experienced from a medication for an eye infection, aggravated by chocolate that he ate, during his trip, which this movie does not mention. His face didn't really go to sh*t, until October 9, 1973, after his divorce & his prescription drug abuse was in full effect. In this version, Michael Shannon's Elvis, looks way too beat-up & boring compare to the real-life superstar at the time. Despite that, I doubt the original choice of Eric Bana would had, much success with the role, as well. In my opinion, I could see, Joaquin Phoenix or Colin Farrell, pulling this role, off! Anyways, as much as I have to question, who is the best for the Elvis Presley role. I have to say, Kevin Spacey makes a wonderful co-star, as Richard Nixon. It's probably the best Richard Nixon's impression, so far, on film, I have ever witness. Even better, than Frank Langella's Nixon from 2008's 'Frost/Nixon', who I found to look & more a little more like President Ronald Reagan than Nixon. Another thing, make-up work that they did to Spacey to make him, look a little bit more like the 37th President of the United States was really amazing. He really does look like him, with all the added weight to his chin. If, I had any nitpick, I just wish, the filmmakers allow Spacey to show more of Nixon's paranoia. It would had added a lot to the plot. Surprising, the actors that made up, Nixon's staff of Bud Krough (Colin Hanks), Dwight Chapin (Evan Peters) and HR Haldeman (Tate Donovan) were a lot of fun, despite over playing the fandom for Elvis. They were very entertaining. It's unlike Presley's entourage of Jerry Schilling (Alex Pettyfer) & Sonny West (Johnny Knoxville) who I found boring or out of place. Another thing that bug me, about this film, is the lack of Elvis Presley's songs. It played, everything from the era, like artists, Rufus Thomas, Sam & Dave to Otis Redding, but not the King. I guess, the filmmakers couldn't get the film license to play Presley's songs, in his own little movie. That's pretty sad to hear, as I thought the Presley family would be more open to allowing his songs, to be played here. Overall: This film turns the most requested photograph in the national archives of the United States, into movie worth checking out, as it highlights the lighter side of politics and that of pop culture. I highly recommended this flick.
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