9 July 2016
This movie makes Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" look like a genuine masterpiece. This wouldn't even be considered okay for a high school project. If a teacher received this "movie" as an assignment in school, the students wouldn't just get an obvious F, they would be expelled!

Some movies try hard to be "so bad it's good". This movie doesn't even fall under that category nor does it looks like it attempt to. It's just bad. So bad it's bad...

An entire movie shot in front of a green screen projected with stock photos and people who so obviously just paying back a debt to the director by starring in his disaster...

I usually don't get upset over movies, since they're subjective matters. But this movie made me boiling. It's so bad it shouldn't be allowed to exist. And frankly, I'm still not convinced that it does (even though I just watched it).
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