Waste of time and money
8 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started off quite well, for a movie I had quite mediocre expectations it caught my interest when it introduces some interesting characters with mixed motives, unfortunately that and a few good cinematic shots is where the praise ends for this movie.

This movie had potential which only makes it even more disappointing,we're first introduced to Tarzan as a British politician and is then forced to rediscover his wildness but lacks any real character and only comes across one dimensional with the traits of an angsty teen who's marriage we're supposed to care about but I'm not sure why

This movie tries to incorporate way to many elements, the overall plot about the enslaving the Congo and getting rich from a mythical city full of jewels that we're not even allowed to see at any point combined with fueds with passed foes that don't really come to any settlement a tribe leader that had his son killed by Tarzan that wants revenge, gorilla brother that wants him dead, trying for a baby and flashbacks of a potentially better film we could have had, they rush through these very quickly without really developing or keeping your interest

Some really awful scenes, Samuel Jackson who I'm not sure needed to be in this movie jumps off cliffs only to land unscathed on a branch, combined with a very predictably unsatisfying ending that couldn't of come fast enough and causally wrapped up with all the bad guys defeated, they may as well have froze in the air jumping to the backdrop of a sunset, with the joy of sweet release as the credits rolled to only leave me with a face like a bulldog eating a wasp and annoyed and frustrated that I have wasted time and money sitting through another failed sequel that is sure to fade into obscurity

Overall this movie lacks any fun or adventure, poorly directed as this movie lacks any identify, wouldn't recommend this film to anyone other than my worst enemy, all round disappointment
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